For government programs managed care, financial success depends on encounters.

EncounterCURE ensures accuracy so you never miss an encounter.

Whether you are contracting directly with Medicare or Medicaid or are delegated, your care system must deliver accurate and approved encounters. Missing encounters impact current and future financial performance through penalties, foregoing risk corridors and lower risk scores. The rules are getting more complex each year, and CureIS is on top of it. Our experts help to ensure your encounters are complete and accurate, and most importantly, accepted and matching your approved claims.

Our CureIS Server evaluates your claims and all adjustments against your trading partner’s final acceptance criteria, providing automated workflow management to help in correcting encounters before they are submitted. When used in conjunction with our ClaimsCURE, we can help your providers submit claims with all of the correct information to eliminate unnecessary manual encounter correction processes.

With the CureIS EncounterCURE, our customers have complete visibility into every claim, adjustment, and encounter allowing 100% reconciliation and understanding of how processing policies impact encounter acceptance.

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